Monday, June 2, 2008

The city slickers head to the farm

yes, I'll admit it, I've turned into a city slicker. Having dunn brothers coffee 1/4 mile down the road is more appealing than well, having nothing in sight for miles like where we used to live! But, it is fun to take the kids OUT of the city. Some days I feel bad that they'll miss some of the country experiences I had, but I reassure myself that there's some good about the city too....
anyhoo....after getting to Mike & Deb's beautiful setting w/ a cabin in the woods behind their house and getting our tent up amongst the numerous other campers & tents, I promptly found my FIRST deer tick attached to my side. Alec wanted to sleep in the camper, so suddenly I decided I should sleep with him and let dad and Autumn bond in the tent :). Really, I just wanted to keep Alec company. Really.
We had great food. One interesting thing was individualized scrambled eggs (fresh from the farm I might add) done in a baggie in the deep fryer w/ all the fixings inside too. Also had fresh (deep fried) fish, chicken (from the farm), steak, rhubarb this and that, etc. oh, the pain. oh the calories. oh the tightness of my clothes. Some of the experiences we or the kids had: played softball, rode mules, went on a mule-drawn hayride, saw baby goats, petted baby kittens, llamas, made s'mores, sat around the campfire, played violin/guitar/sang. Part of me wishes I had a cabin 'away from the glamour of the city with a wood burner cook stove', but then that SECOND tick came. I'm a wimp. what did I just say!? I've got to face reality...I am NOT a serious back to nature girl, but very glad that others let us share in their unique, peaceful, simple-yet hardworking lifestyle for a few days out of the year! I hope my kids don't turn out too finicky (I tried to be tough about the ticks in front of them...)
Now, i must sign-off, I need to apply my fruit-scented, shimmery-sparkle body spritz and fluff my down comforter before I hit the hay!


Lani said...

This made me smile. I'm right there with you. Couldn't have said it better. And I do the same thing... try not to be too finnicky in front of the kids so they don't develop my same fears. Looks like you had a great time in spite of the deer ticks. *runs off to take a lavender scented jacuzzi bubble bath and paint my toenails*

tbdch said...

Thanks for sharing. Fun to see all those familiar faces!