Monday, May 7, 2007

More Out East Pictures - Random order

Central Park & Driving downtown Manhattan....we were surrounded by taxi's! We stopped in the Bronx too and filled up a duffle bag of S&S cheesecakes to bring home!

Our first *and last* trip to the MET in NYC. Brendan & I are even more
assured that we are a great match! We spent about 5 (OK, maybe 2) minutes in the museum before we were ready to be elsewhere. Our brain's do NOT find any enjoyment out of looking at rows and rows of old silver pitchers & cups & bizarre paintings by painters we've never heard of. In fact, we both find it very, very painful and humorous! Sorry for you museum lovers out there, but we just can't relate (at least not to this particular museum). So, anyways, we had to take a pic of this, as it really is a funny memory for us, realizing how much we think alike (and we were very glad that one of us didn't like it or what would we have done....?!!!!!) Next stop...Central Park......

We spent Friday night with Victor, Pennie & Fiona
I had my first cup of HOT COFFEE at their place on Saturday morning
and I actually liked it!! Pennie also got me hooked
on making coconut mocha frappacino's too. :)

Pennie made 3 delicious desserts & brought them to Morgan & Emily's Friday night.
Was so nice to see our old meeting again and be back at the Jones' home
one more time before they move to NC.
We managed to squeeze in an evening (lamb supper!) with Florence, Ann & Alice. I also met up with Pennie and Julie for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory one afternoon, and got in a trip to the outlet mall and met Pennie for coffee & lunch up in our old area. It was go-go-go, but glad to see everyone!
Ellie, Ava, Paula & Aaron (and Tucket too)

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