Our time in Coeur d'Alene (33 days) went super fast! We left for Sandpoint, ID last Wednesday and plan to be here a week. The RV park is pretty sparse. Not many people camping these days. On Friday we drove up to Fairmont Hot Springs, BC for the weekend to stay with Brendan's parent's in a condo. It was a beautiful, short 3 hour drive from here. After being 30 hours away from Wayne and Carol, a 3 hour drive seemed like a walk in the park !!!! Having TWO nights in our own room with a bed that doesn't move every time the kids roll over was quite a treat, and the kids enjoyed sleeping in a 'real' bed too (they sleep on the couches in the camper). Having a soak in the hot springs was an extra benefit. The kids had a great time getting better acquainted with their younger cousin Keely. Re-enforces why we want to be closer to Brendan's family.
Last weekend we drove up here to Sandpoint from Coeurd'Alene (which is 45 mins North) and spent a few hours checking out the town (we liked it, that's why we're here for a week!).The pic at the very top shows what it looks like as you drive into Sandpoint, except this is only looking out one side...you have a lake and mts on the other side too.
Last Friday Night we drove to Libby, Mt and saw Dennis H at Gospel Mtg and spent the night with him at some friends. On Saturday we drove on to Kalispell, MT and met up with Kay & Gerry and they took us out to Glacier and showed us around Kalispell/Whitefish. We drove back to Coeurd'Alene late Saturday night and had lunch with friends & my long lost cousin and supper with other new friends. A FUN FULL Weekend!
Glad you're taking us all along with you on this journey! I'm enjoying the ride!
do you ski? Sandpoint is awesome..my brother lives there. If you stay there maybe we'd see ya if and when we go visit him sometime! It's really an amazing location! Enjoy!!
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