Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Neighbors- and a few words!

My parents bought a house last week and it's right across the street from us! (it's the yellow house kiddie-corner from the car in the driveway). The morning after the offer was accepted, Alec went up the street looking to see if the lights were on and if they were up!!! Now, in today's society, it seems that some would think that's kinda strange to be so close to family, but we are excited. How cool will it be for our kids to be able to walk across the street to grandpa and grandma's house? I remember living in my grandma's backyard for one winter before I was in Kindergarten and I had a path in the snow to her house and I'd have grape juice in my 'special glass'. One of the top things on my list for 'goals for my family' is to have my children respect Brendan & I and each other especially when they are grown children. Brendan & I both feel fortunate to have good relationships with our parents. We wish we lived closer to his family. We feel sad to miss out on so much with them. We're already looking forward to sharing in times with our kids when they are older. I'm envious of others who have such good relationships with their families....some times I wish I had a bigger family and a sister.....I see how Brendan and his brother have a special bond and I can't quite relate. I don't even know what a family re-union is, but I'll take what I can get in my small family! Ok, I'll step down off of the podium now, but just had to share my thoughts on family and why it makes me sad that some don't value it.

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